HBR list

Or, what I’ve read and any associated scribbles.

Not pictured: spines, or books I actually own.

You know that I’ve got a TBR list, right? A list of things that I would like to read at some point, in a big list concatenated from my Planning the Pages posts, right? You can check it out here.

Anyway, I figured that nobody’s going to actually search this site for books I’ve read. But maybe a list of things I’ve read (and written about) on here might be of interest or use, if only so I can gather a sense of wow I’ve read a bunch of things to stave off the feeling of O NOES that occasionally comes along when I think of the books I’d like to read but haven’t, and undoubtedly won’t before, well, you know.

So here you go. Click the link to visit the post for each book. The list will be continually updated as I add both current reads and links from previous years: 2023 onwards is in here so far.