Book reviews: carnies, conspiracies, despots and degenerates

So I’m back on the five-books-per-review thing because let’s face it, a dozen-ish (as per my previous entry) is a bit much, even if you’re into the kind of stuff I write. Or the books I read. Or me, really.

On with it.

Continue reading “Book reviews: carnies, conspiracies, despots and degenerates”

Book reviews: rich guys, cult leaders, schlock horror, debt and architecture

It’s a mixed bag. I’ve had a lot on since I last updated here, and reviewing books has fallen by the wayside, surprising no-one.

What is surprising, though, is that I’ve kept up the reading! I’m up to about thirty books for the year thus far, which is why you’re getting a baker’s dozen (plus a few extra) in this post. I had some enthusiasms make themselves known through this brace of books, as you’ll see. It’s, uh, a lot. Hopefully there’s something in there to pique your interest. And if not, hopefully you’ll heed my low-scored warnings .

Continue reading “Book reviews: rich guys, cult leaders, schlock horror, debt and architecture”

Book reviews: sharks, serendipity, ‘splosions, snapshots and spooks

Well, another five books have come and gone, so it’s time for my thoughts on the same. They run the gamut from experimental fiction to weird memoir and scientific history to gothic fantasy, so you can’t accuse me of being particularly genre-monogamous in the last little while, if that’s even a thing.

Anyway, let’s see what I read. Or heard. Or both.

Continue reading “Book reviews: sharks, serendipity, ‘splosions, snapshots and spooks”

Book reviews: nukes, noise, nature… and hot dogs

This five-books-then-review idea seems to be working pretty well. Pressure’s off and I’ve a little more time to gather my thoughts. Will I still write too much? Probably. Will you read all of it? I’ve no idea.

You will be unsurprised to discover that this is true.

But join me, won’t you? For a coffee break-sized meditation on books that, for some reason, seemed to concern mass destruction and mass production, along with some nice tunes.

Continue reading “Book reviews: nukes, noise, nature… and hot dogs”

Book review: Crowley and the Café

In an attempt to get the year off to a snappy start, I decided to begin this reading trip with some lighter works rather than launching into frog eating from Day One. (The frog, in this case, is Finnegans Wake and so there is a lot of Kermit-chomping action to go.)

Anyway, I knocked over five books in roughly as many days, which was a pleasant change from some of the, uh, involved tomes of last year. What were they? I’m glad you asked.

Continue reading “Book review: Crowley and the Café”